Data In Motion Is Saving Lives

Imagine this; you are in the hospital recovering from surgery when you start to feel shaky and get the chills.  Your heart starts beating quickly and you start to breathe rapidly.  The alarm goes off on your heart-rate monitor and a nurse comes in to check on you.  They ask you how you are feeling, but … Continue reading

Can Mobile Offers Save Facebook?

  In an earlier article, I gave Mark Zuckerberg one pathway to monetizing their mobile app through Social Shopping.  Today, I am offering a second pathway; Facebook Mobile Offers.  Here’s how I see it working: You are out shopping  when you look down at your phone and see that you’ve received a Facebook Mobile Offer to … Continue reading

Physical Stores Beat Online Retailers with Big Data

While currently many shoppers use mobile devices while in-store to search online retailers for the best price on a specific item, brick and mortar retailers have found a way to combat that behavior using Big Data.  Physical stores have even found a way to reel you in when you have no intention of shopping.  Picture … Continue reading

Big Firms Lose Control of Your Data

Companies are spending millions of dollars to gather data that identifies you and your online behaviors, analyzes your behaviors, reports on them, and even predicts your future behaviors. even spent $326 Million dollars to buy social media monitoring platform Radian6 in order to help firms listen for opportunities to sell you something and then … Continue reading

Can “Social Shopping” save Facebook?

So you are social network that has over 900 Million active users, including 156,830,620 people in the United states.  Your stock has been crushed since the IPO because investors don’t think that your strategy  justifies the earnings multiple; specifically, there are concerns that you don’t have a real strategy to monetize your users.  The shifting of … Continue reading

3 Key Lessons from KONY 2012

KONY 2012 is a viral social networking campaign (here: targeted at creating awareness about Joseph Kony, the Ugandan warlord whom since 1987, has allegedly abducted more than 30,000 children in Central Africa and forced them to be child soldiers in his Lord’s Resistance Army (, and ultimately bringing him to justice.  As I write this, it is … Continue reading

Listening platforms; Useful or Strategic?

When talking to marketing executives, the most common complaint that I hear regarding social media listening platforms is that they only validate what brands already know.  While validation is useful, it is not strategic.  Marketing executives want to gain insights into their customers’ behavior.  They don’t want a red, yellow, green dashboard; they want actionable … Continue reading

4 Emerging Uses for Social Intelligence

In the early years of social media monitoring, the primary users in large enterprises were PR and Communications departments.  Their main efforts were around Reputation Measurement, the tracking social channels for customer sentiment for the purpose of monitoring for a potential crisis and creating alerts, and Marketing Measurement and Optimization, using metrics found in social channels … Continue reading

Social Intelligence to help you feel the buzz at CES

“In order to help consumers take the pulse of the overwhelming amount of new technology introduced at the 2012 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), three companies have banded together to develop CE Pulse, a real-time, interactive gauge of online public opinion.” states this PRNewswire: I think it’s a great idea to use a social monitoring … Continue reading

Can Social Intelligence Solve the Annoying Neighbor Problem?

Have you ever moved into an apartment or home only to find out that you have an eccentric neighbor next door that makes you want to move right out? Have you ever loved an apartment when you visited during the day only to find out after you’ve rented that the walls are paper-thin and at … Continue reading